
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Three Things Thursday

1. Vidangel 
About a year ago, we found Vidangel. It has been wonderful for date night. You start off "paying" $20 to rent the movie. Pick any filters you want. For example, if you don't want to hear swear words, pick the words you don't want to hear and the filters will mute them out. Once you're done with the movie, you sell it back for 19 credits that you can use for other movies. So in the end, you're really only paying $1 per movie. It's a really great deal and WAY better than Redbox.

2. The Shadowhunter Chronicles
Back when Twilight was popular, if you didn't read it and have a team, you were a little ostracized. These books were awful, but I still wanted to see what happened. Is that a normal reaction??
I never thought that I would find a book that caused a similar reaction until I started:
I will admit that they are way better written than Twilight and I do like them a lot more, but they are still pretty bad. Yet, I can't believe I still want to read them to find out what happens. I wouldn't judge someone quite so harshly if they admitted to liking this series as I do when people admit they like Twilight. Maybe I secretly like both series and haven't admitted it to myself yet. 

3. Christmas
I am so excited to go back to Chicago for Christmas this year! I miss snow this time of year, but I don't miss having to warm up the car or defrost it at all. It will be Baby A's first Christmas. We leave the 21st and get home about the 27th. 

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