Thursday, May 5, 2016

Why does my 3 month old hate tummy time and why is she in love with her legs?

I like making these announcements in Photoshop. I think it's a bit of a step up from just posting one picture and commenting on things that are new.

My mom and I struggled to get pictures of Baby A on her blessing day, so she thought I should try and take a few. Baby A hates her blessing dress! She cried most of the time, but I did get the funny one where she is sticking her tongue out at me, so at least there's that.

We are supposed to do tummy time every day, and we do, but she cries the whole time. I've tried all of the tricks in the book and on the internet....any recommendations? I try and have her in different positions, different surfaces and toys to grab her interest. I am at a loss.

When Baby A was first born, she had a lot of trouble with gas. Doing bicycles with her legs was the only thing that worked. Now, she plays with her legs and swings them up all the time. Is this normal?

Every week I feel slightly less and less like a zombie and more like a human being again. While I do love Baby A, I can't wait until she starts sleeping through the night. I've always had trouble sleeping, but this is a lot, even for me.

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